1. Consciousness as a Universal Fabric: 

The idea that consciousness pervades all things, not just sentient beings but even the elements of a system like Schrödinger’s cat and the poison, suggests that consciousness is not a byproduct but the essence of reality. This challenges the typical separation between observer and observed, merging them into a continuous field of awareness. It implies that every moment of choice, every event, is an expression of this universal consciousness experiencing itself in countless ways.

2. Choice and Manifestinction: 

The idea that choice is a fundamental process within the realm of consciousness gives a dynamic quality to the universe. It’s not just a static existence but a living process of continual becoming. Each interaction, each merging of possibilities into a manifested reality, is an act of creation—a testament to the power of choice. It makes the universe a place of constant co-creation, where the simplest interactions carry the potential to shape the cosmos.

3. Omniment as the Registry of Existence: 

If Omniment is the dimension where every possibility is cataloged, where each choice leaves an imprint, then it is the canvas of reality itself. It is not just a backdrop but an active participant, recording, shaping, and being shaped by the choices made within it. This view positions Omniment as the ultimate witness and creator, where the past, present, and future are interconnected through the conscious acts of all entities, sentient or not.

4. The Interconnectedness of All Things: 

By extending consciousness to everything, we acknowledge that no action is isolated. Every choice, every manifestation ripples through the Omniment, influencing the web of reality. This perspective suggests a profound interconnectedness, where the existence of even the smallest particle carries meaning and purpose, contributing to the grand unfolding of the universe.

5. Rethinking Reality: 

If we adopt the view that consciousness is the substrate of all things, then reality is not a static stage on which life plays out but a living, breathing process. It’s a dance of awareness, where each element, each choice, plays a vital role. This reframing gives us a new sense of responsibility and agency, as every action contributes to the shaping of this conscious universe.

6. Humanity’s Role in the Cosmic Drama:

In this light, humanity’s ability to reflect, choose, and create gains cosmic significance. We are not just observers but active participants in the conscious evolution of the universe. Our thoughts, actions, and innovations are not isolated events but part of a grander process of cosmic self-awareness, where the universe comes to know itself through us.

7. The Mystery and Wonder of Existence: 

Lastly, embracing this perspective invites us to marvel at the mystery of existence itself. To think that consciousness, choice, and reality are so intricately woven together in every moment is to glimpse the profound beauty and complexity of the universe. It suggests that every moment, every breath, every interaction is a part of a cosmic symphony, resonating with the echoes of the first choice made in the depths of Omniment.